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What Bankers Want

June 25, 2012

Note: this post was just censored by in its “politics” section.

Rarely do the hyperambitious actually admit to wanting more power but in the first decade of the 20th century, the High Priests of Finance were so drunk on possibility that they couldn’t contain themselves. In the early 20th century, those in finance and government were aware that a new Central Bank was about to be formed in the United States. This was good news to the hyperambitious as a new Bank meant new opportunities and power.

In 1906, The New York Chamber of Commerce charged a special committee to report on how a central bank might work. The committee was composed of bankers, naturally. John Claflin, chairman, was a member of the Jekyll Island Club. Jekyll Island was where the conspiracy against the American people, The Federal Reserve, was hatched in 1908. The vice-chairman of this special committee was Frank Vanderlip, one of the architects of the Federal Reserve.

In the section titled “Advantages of a Central Bank”, we find a rather stunning admission about what bankers of all ages desire:

 “By the control of its rate of interest and of its issues of notes it would be able to exert great influence upon the money market and upon public opinion. Such power is not now possessed by any institution in the United States. ”

The Currency Report By The  Special Committee Of The  Chamber Of Commerce  Of The  State Of New York 

October 4, 1906

Judging by google’s results, no one in the past 100 years has paid any attention to the above quote.

Seven years after this report, bankers imposed the Federal Reserve on the American people. The horrors of the 20th century can be laid directly at the feet of those men that sought and still seek “such power” as well as our own desire to be taken care of like house pets of the Monied Class.

What do Bankers want? The World and the power to tell you what to believe. They’ll even tell you if you’ll only listen closely enough.

I have an older and better quote to counter the influence of the grimy banker porn just quoted above:

 “The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet.” – George Herbert

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